Surprisingly Good

YEAR: 2015     URL:

Me, my wife, and two other facilitators wanted to help drive the conversation around social innovation and sustainability. So, we started Surprisingly Good to do just that.

Surprisingly Good is a pop-up R&D lab that focuses on social innovation and sustainability. We help individuals, teams, schools, NGO's and companies to find solutions to worlds toughest and most wicked problems, that a lot of times are rooted in science and research, policy and/or innovation. 

Social change design with Surprisingly Good


The biggest challenge we faced as facilitators was trying to keep diverse groups moving in one direction. People's different backgrounds, goals, and agendas can make that a tough at times, but there are always opportunities to find commonalities and achieve the main goal. The group needs to commit to that prior to showing up, too.

Great facilitators stay neutral and gently drive the conversation forward, regardless of your opinions on the matter. 




NYU Institute of Public Health

Founder, Facilitator, and Designer (Branding)

- Branding and Graphic Design of Surprisingly Good. 

- Web Design and Development. 

- Co-created and facilitated the workshop for NYU Institute of Public Health. 


The branding for Surprisingly good consisted of logotype, typography, iconography, graphic pattern, and presentation materials. I also created a style guide with simple directions for everyone to follow. 


On May 6th, 2015, Surprisingly Good ran a workshop for NYU Institute of Public Health in partnership with a community organization called Neighbourhood. We invited doctors, activists, urban farmers, students, politicians, venture capitalists, and community leaders to answer one wicked question: "How can we leverage existing resources to improve access to healthy foods in Brownsville?" 


©2018 Andreas Kleiner and respective clients
