Microsoft OneNote

YEAR: 2016     URL:

Microsoft OneNote is a computer program for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. It gathers users' notes, drawings, screen clippings and audio commentaries.


UX, Motion &Visual Design for Microsoft OneNote (+Education & Surface)


OneNote wanted to help design the desktop UI and look into the overall UX of Notebooks, Sections, and Pages. 

The Surface & Edu team wanted asked me to design the new Ink to Math feature in OneNote. Something schools needed asap. 




Microsoft OneNote, Education & Surface

Senior Product Designer (Visual/Motion/UX Designer)

- Contributed to the overall UX, UI and visual design of the OneNote desktop and smartphone application. 

- Lead the UX work on the Ink to Math feature for the OneNote app. 

- Lead the design of the Think with Ink initiative with UX, visual design, motion graphics and illustrations. 


Above is never produced examples of explorations made of "How Notebooks/Sections/Pages/ could look and work on the OneNote Desktop App". 


I had the privilege to freelance for the design-driven Microsoft OneNote with a talented design team that really welcomed me in. They were working on a big design push and needed some extra support with UI, UX and motion graphics. 


Microsoft Education partnered up with Pixar "Pixar in a Box," a Pixar learning tool for OneNote. They needed a someone to visualize the overall look and feel of that product and apply some systems thinking. 


Microsoft Surface wanted to re-design the ink math assistant and I was asked to lead the UX design effort. 
See the result below, read more about it, or try it on your surface or tablet. 


©2018 Andreas Kleiner and respective clients
